Tuesday, March 13, 2018

SAQA Regional Quarterly 2/17/18 Meeting Notes

We met at the Central Resource Library in Overland Park, Kansas at 1pm and started with a welcoming and introductions.  There were 14 members in attendance.

The ‘business’ portion of the meeting included a discussion of the Auction Quilts.  Cindy P and Cindy B combined the 12x12s received with a couple of extra quilts from member to create a ‘Small Works’ Exhibit at the Shirley Stiles Gallery in Westwood Kansas.  There were 19 quilts in all. See photos on Facebook. The show was very well received, and we are considering doing it again next year.

The Auction Quits will also be on display at the KAW Valley Quilt Guild Show in Lawrence Kansas April 7 & 8.

Immediately after the KAW Valley Quilt Guild show, a great majority of these pieces will go directly to Harper’s for exhibit for about a month approximately April 11 to May 11.   After that, all exhibitors will be contacted to be confirm disposition of their 12x12’s: return to maker or send on to SAQA annual auction.

Cindy P made a request for more Auction Quilts from our region.

Jim Brown gave our first ‘Member Spotlight’ presentation.  He had been selected by the Director at the UCM Gallery of Art and Design to give a presentation to the students and we asked him to give the same presentation at our meeting.  He talked about his background as an architect, his introduction to quilting, and brought a number of his amazing quilts that show his artistic progression and skill as an artist.   It was a very interesting presentation and we very much appreciated seeing his body of work.

Linda Frost graciously accepted an invitation to be our next Member Spotlight at the May meeting.   We look forward to that and hope you can attend.

Anyone interested in a future Member Spotlight presentation, just let us know.  

We are a large region and our members are pretty far flung.  Starting with the next newsletter, we hope to have 2-3 member bios.  We may never meet some of our members but we’d like to know who they are and not just a name on a roster.  Cindy P will be contacting members and asking them to write a bio (up to a page) including information about their art work and experience, of course, but also about their family life, other interests … anything they’d like us to know about them including a photo or two of the member and a piece of their work if they so choose.  Names will literally be pulled from a hat (okay, maybe a bowl) then Cindy P will ask those members to please write their bio for inclusion in the next newsletter. Each of those members will have about 6-8 weeks to submit it to Cindy P.

We had another critique exercise and discussion with the group. The intention is to feel more comfortable with the concept of critiquing and being on the receiving end of a critique.  

Then we did Show and Share.  Several attendees brought current works.  Cindy B showed a small quilt titled ‘Ancient Chinese Ruins’ and also brought the drawings and images she used as inspiration and during the process of creating the piece.  

Our next quarterly meeting is May 19.