Tuesday, July 11, 2017

May Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

Kansas City Area Meeting

May 20, 2017

14 members present, 0 guests
Location: Karen Hansen’s home, Overland Park, KS

1.      Introductions - 2 new members; Rosemary Cromer and Rosemary Hopkins – welcome!
2.      Linda Frost gave an update on the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival (KCRQF) June 15, 16, 17. SAQA will be in booth #122
a.      Contact Linda to help tend the booth – lots of times are still available.
b.      Linda will have 2 passes available to volunteers to hand off to each other.
c.       Linda collected 12 x 12 auction quilts to be hung in the booth **please remember to register your auction quilt on line by June 1st! Please contact Linda if you would still like to donate or show a 12x12 quilt in the booth.
                                                              i.      Auction quilt donors: Carmen Rinehart – Kansas Sunset, Rosemary Hopkins – Blue Hydrangea, Linda Frost – Danger Fish, James Brown – Jackson 1, Kathy Suprenant – You Are My Sunshine, Jackie Stoaks – Mini Blue, Cindy Parry – Enduring, Karen Hansen – Life Lessons, Cindy Brendzel – Fan Lights, Ruth Powers had 2, but I didn’t get the titles, and Carol Jones turned in a piece earlier. Thank you all!
d.      We will not be selling anything in the booth except for SAQA memberships, however, we will have cards with the Leedy-Voulkos exhibit info and sample books.
3.      Thanks to Cindy Parry and Cindy Brendzel for stepping up to be the next regional co-reps! They will begin their term as of August 1st.
4.      Lincoln Conference Highlights – 4 members present at the meeting were able to attend the conference; Cindy Parry, Ruth Powers, Karen Hansen and Mary Kay Fosnacht. (Cindy Brendzel also attended the conference) We shared what we personally thought were highlights:
a.      The regional reps meeting before the conference was packed full of information, there were brainstorming sessions, leadership tips and much more.
b.      The one day tour of the Quilt Study Center and Museum was excellent and there was a side trip to the university’s apparel storage where they pulled out pieces of interest and a small group session with Michael James.
c.       The “lightning talks” were fascinating. Artists present 20 slides for 20 seconds each representative of their work or studio practice. Here is a LINK to a webinar where Lightning talks were featured.
5.      Karen Hansen gave a budget update and reported on the exhibit expenses. We should have approximately $200 left in the budget when the exhibit is over. In addition, all proceeds from the exhibit catalog will be credited to our region.
6.      Exhibit marketing and advertising
a.      Approximately half of the available post cards have been distributed for various venues and guilds. If you need some, contact Karen or Mary Kay.
b.      Business size cards will be available at KCRQF to be handed out.
c.       The amazing exhibit catalog is available on Amazon. Please share the link!
d.      Cindy Brendzel has completed the bio book and it will be on display at Leedy-Voulkos during the exhibit.
e.      All artists and regional members are encouraged to share the exhibit info through their social media – Facebook, Twitter, etc. (see the 8 ½ x 11 flyer below) I misspoke at the meeting when I said you could share the postcard via our Facebook page. Since we are a “Secret” group, we cannot share anything that is not “public” – for ex. Amazon links are public, so those are allowed.       So… download the flyer below and post or email or print it, OR you can download the postcard from the BLOG to share the postcard.
7.      Show and Tell – Fabulous as always!
a.      Rosemary Cromer – A World of Square Corners, Diversity is Rich and Beautiful in Our Lives, plus a 3rd quilt
b.      Ruth Powers – Layers
c.       Linda Frost – examples of dyed and painted quilts
d.      Rosemary Hopkins – Genealogy, English History
e.      James Brown – Soaring Kites using Grummon thread
f.        Cindy Parry – Identity Crisis
g.      Andrea Luliak – example of oatmeal resist, plus another quilt
8.      Quilts were also shown and turned in for the exhibit.
9.      Mary Kay Fosnacht gave a demo of Inktense pencils and blocks. If you would like the list of colors with their lightfast number, email Mary Kay.
10.  Lunch was provided by Karen and Mary Kay
11.  Thanks to Karen for hosting!